Parent & Student Resources
Brentwood High School is committed to keeping parents and students connected with the latest resources and information needed to support education and lifelong success. Information and forms are provided to help parents and students locate prominent information needed with easy access. Contact our front office at (615) 472-4220 for additional help.
SchoolCashOnline is our preferred payment method. Create an account today and receive notifications and pay fees from your handheld device or computer within minutes of registration.
Student Resources
- Academic Integrity
- Attendance Information for 2024-25
- Checkpoints Driving Courses
- ClassLink Dashboard
- Computer/Network Acceptable Use and Internet Procedures
- Dress Code
- Parking Pass Procedures
- WCS Student Resources
Academic Integrity
Attendance Information for 2024-25
Checkpoints Driving Courses
ClassLink Dashboard
Computer/Network Acceptable Use and Internet Procedures
Dress Code
Parking Pass Procedures
WCS Student Resources
WCS Schoology Secondary Student Orientation
Parent Resources
Parent Clubs & Organizations
Parents, looking to be a part of the Bruins experience? Explore the resources below to become more familiar with all of the opportunities available to you.
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